A long journey by bus to reach your destination may not usually be the best part of the trip. However, with Chethana travels, get ready to change that perception. Travelling by bus can be fun when you have the right group of people and the best bus in town. Tour your favourite destination with our modern, spacious and air-conditioned buses, enjoy travelling like never before. We have a wide range of choices for you to pick from. Be it 18 seaters 21 seaters, 32 seaters or 50 seaters – pick your ideal bus to travel with your friends or family. Enjoy a world-class travel experience and cherish every moment of it. Chethana Travels provides buses for weddings, pilgrimages, meetings, tours and customized trips.

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    Terms and Conditions
    • Rs.400 extra driver bata will be chargeable after 10 pm
    • Permit, Entry Tax, Toll charges and Parking charges will be on actuals and to be borne by the client.
    • Start and End reading of the kilometres will be calculated from Chethana Travels office.
    • Chethana Travels is not responsible for any luggage or personal belongings of the client.